

City Titles:

1987-88 Division II Five Alive/Team Handicap 3045
1987-88 Division II Five Alive/Team Actual 2490
1994-95 Strike Shop/Team Handicap 3115
1994-95 Division II Five Alive/Team Actual 2535
1992-93 Doubles w/Sandra Crable Handicap 1280
1992-93 Doubles w/Sandra Crable Actual 1084



1991-92 KWBA Director1992-93 KWBA Director1993-94 KWBA Director1994-95 KWBA Director1995-96 KWBA Director1996-97 KWBA Director1998-99 KWBA Director1999-00 KWBA Director2000-01 KWBA Director2001-02 KWBA Director

  • Gloriette's expertise was working with people and her salesmanship. She is the icon of salesmanship! I recall Gloriette commenting that she worked third shift at Chrysler and slept days, but anything we needed that her job would permit, she would do it--just call her. She did just that; she always came through when called upon. If there was anything to be sold, she could sell it. Her salesmanship has always been a tremendous asset in the KWBA's efforts of success with any project.
  • She has served on many KWBA committees including the Banquet, Legislative, Mission and Goals, Nomination, Committee Sponsors, and the Ways and Means.
  • In addition, Gloriette has worked many KWBA events and the joint ventures with the Kokomo Bowling Association including the Monte Carlo fundraiser and the Kokomo Joint Hall of Fame Ceremony.
  • In 1997-98, Gloriette won the 2nd Annual Kokomo Seniors Tournament, Class D Event Championship and was recognized for the tournament high series of 571.
  • In the same season, she was on the League Championship team of the Computerette league and won the high series award as well.
  • Since moving to Kokomo in 1985, Gloriette has missed only 3-4 WISBA Championship Tournaments and WIBC Championship Tournaments.
  • In the 2005 UAW Tournament, she won the UAW Regional Singles Championship Title and cashed with partner Glenda Trevillion in the Doubles Event.
  • For the 2004-2005 season, Gloriette bowled in the Computerette league, the Make Believe league, and the Wednesday afternoon seniors league. Although her 2004-05 year-end average is not quite as high as her career high of 173, she still managed to score games of 215, 194, and 196 for a 605 series at the end of this past March (2005). Her career high game is 276 and high series is in the low to mid 600's.
  • She is a member of the National, State, and Local 600 Clubs.
  • When asked what she felt her "Greatest Bowling Accomplishment or Contribution" was, Gloriette's response without hesitation was "Being around the people!" She enjoys her social time with the bowlers and works to keep those bowlers in the leagues as well as recruiting bowlers.