

City Titles:

1984-85 Team--Puckett's Bakery Handicap 3071
1986-87 All Events Actual 1689
1986-87 Team--Wez Bad Actual 2592
1988-89 All Events Actual 1680
1988-89 Team--Wez Bad Actual 2612
1991-92 Team--Goobers Actual 2961
1991-92 Team--Goobers Handicap 3294
1993-94 Team--Expression Silk Screen Actual 2633



Bev has proven herself a very accomplished bowler. She was also there to help with the City Tournaments – men’s, women’s and mixed. She helped Sandy Shuck start up the 600 Club and run the 600 Club tournaments. Bev would help even after working 8-10 hour shift at the hospital.


673 Series
279 Game
181 Average


1982-83 KWBA Director
1983-84 KWBA Director
1984-85 KWBA Director
1985-86 KWBA Director
1987-88 KWBA Director
1988-89 KWBA Director
1984-85 elected State Delegate to South Bend
1985-86 elected State Delegate to Muncie
1986-87 elected State Delegate to Indianapolis
1987-88 elected State Delegate to Lake Suburban
1988-89 elected State Delegate to Terre Haute


  • Along with Bev's high 673 series, she has a 672 and 670
  • Other high games are 278, 277, 266, 263, 2-258
  • In the 1988-89 season, Bev recorded the city high average of 181 and tied for the same honors with the same average with Sandy Shuck in 1887-88.
  • Had high doubles single game of 463 with Sandy (Shuck) Davenport Bev had a 216 and Sandy had a 247 which was a city record at the time
  • Also had high series with Sandy (Shuck) Davenport. Bev’s series was 537 and Sandy had a 731, which was a city record at the time.