- Bowled in Kokomo Leagues for 34 years
- KWBA Director from 1996 through 2004
- City of Firsts USBC Director 2016 and 2017
- League officer for 35 years
- Started Steel Magnolias league to bring in new bowlers
- Started with 4 teams and increased to 14 within 3 years
- Has been a delegate for the IS USBC WBA annual meeting as well as attended many workshops and other events
- Delegate to the Organization Meeting for the new merged state association - Indiana USBC
- Membership Development Coordinator for IS USBC WBA
- League Services Chairman for 7 years under KWBA
- Met with proprietors and league secretaries at beginning of season
- Passed on awards and information to bowlers
- Prepared packets for new bowlers consisting of a Welcome Letter, Bowling Etiquette, League Bowling, Handicaps and Rules
- Assisted with preparing monthly newsletter - FOCUS - Focus On Community and United Services covering news, reminders, tournaments, etc.
- Raised $4000 towards a bowling clinic with free lineage for new bowlers and those wanting to improve their game
- Chaired committee to restart Womens City Tournament for 2017-2018 season after 4 years without a womens tournament
High Series - 656
High Game - 265
High Average - 167
- 1982-1983 Division 2 Team Handicap Champions with score of 3155
- 1997-1998 Division 2 Team Handicap Champions with score of 3122
- 1998-1999 Division 1 Doubles Handicap Champion with Phyllis Ammerman with 1314
- 1986 UAW District Tournament - Doubles Champion
- 1986 UAW Regional Tournament - Team Champion
- Bowled in 25 WIBC National Tournaments
- Bowled in 29 WISBA State Tournaments
- Bowled in 4 Midwest Women's Tournaments including a 58th place finish in 2015 (out of a field of 900+ teams)
Bowled 4 games over 250
Bowled 12 series over 600