

1971-72 KWBA President
1972-73 KWBA President
1973-74 KWBA President
1974-75 KWBA President
1967-68 KWBA Sergeant-at-Arms
1968-69 KWBA Sergeant-at-Arms
1983-84 KWBA Sergeant-at-Arms
1984-85 KWBA Sergeant-at-Arms
1985-86 KWBA Sergeant-at-Arms
1975-76 KWBA Director
1976-77 KWBA Director
1977-78 KWBA Director
1978-79 KWBA Director
1979-80 KWBA Director
1980-81 KWBA Director
1981-82 KWBA Director
1982-83 KWBA Director
1997-98 KWBA Director
1998-99 KWBA Director

1971-72 elected State Delegate
1972-73 elected State Delegate
1973-74 elected State Delegate
1974-75 elected State Delegate
1975-76 elected State Delegate
1977-78 elected State Delegate in Fort Wayne
1983-84 elected State Delegate

1972-73 elected National Delegate
1974-75 elected National Delegate
1975-76 elected National Delegate
1979-80 elected National Delegate

Sharon also worked on the following KWBA Committees

  • Play Bowl Lane Rep, 1967-68
  • Trophy Committee, 1973-74
  • Publicity Committee, 1975-76 and 1984-85
  • Nominating Committee, 1976-77, 1978-79, and 1985-86
  • Ways and Means Committee, 1983-84
  • Eagles Lane Rep, 1983-84
  • Banquet Committee, 1984-85 and 1997-98
  • Legislative, Policy and Procedure 1997-98

In addition to Sharon's other contributions to the sport of bowling:

  • She began her league career in 1956 on the Wildcat League missing only two years because she was unable to bowl at 8:30 p.m. and one year for pregnancy.
  • While in the Wildcat League, she held every office at one time or another.
  • Sharon joined the Ramrod League at Playbowl and has bowled in it since.