1987-88 | Independents League |
1988-89 | Independents League |
1990-91 | Independents League |
1991-92 | Independents League |
1992-93 | Powder Puff League |
1993-94 | Powder Puff League |
- 1996-97 KWBA 2nd Vice President
- 1997-98 KWBA 2nd Vice President
- 1998-99 KWBA 2nd Vice President
- 1999-00 KWBA 2nd Vice President
- 2000-01 KWBA 2nd Vice President
- 2001-02 KWBA 2nd Vice President
- 1990-91 KWBA Sgt.-at-Arms
- 1991-92 KWBA Sgt.-at-Arms
- 1992-93 KWBA Sgt.-at-Arms
- 1993-94 KWBA Sgt.-at-Arms
- 1994-95 KWBA Sgt.-at-Arms
- 1995-96 KWBA Sgt.-at-Arms
- 1988-89 KWBA Director
- 1989-90 KWBA Director
- 1991-92 Elected National Delegate
- 1995-96 Elected National Delegate
- 1993-2002 Local Awards Director--processes award applications, records award recipients, made regular reports to KWBA Board, inventoried and order awards
- 1996-2002 Served as Lane Rep to Cedar Crest Lanes
- Served 19 years as Independent League President
- 1993-1998 Served as Powder Puff League Secretary
- Served 18 years as Summer League Secretary at Cedar Crest Lanes
- Active Member of Publicity Committee during 1st and 2nd publication of Average Book
- Participated as Coach in KBC Learn to Bowl Event and past Treasurer of KBC
- Member of National, State, and Local 600 Clubs and actively assists 500 Club events
- Received the WISBA Certificate of Appreciation on March 2, 2002
- Elected KWBA Member Emerita on May 4, 2002